Artistic Work Memory Training Technique

Paintings have a lot to do with memory training. They often show high level of complicated background or vast colouration which most times make it difficult to analyze or understand. The truth is that the brain will not function effectively and efficiently if it is not analytically stretched. When you look at paintings or artistic works, you do two distinctive things; one is preparing your brain to work or function in a more complex and complicated situation, and two is giving it the option to choose between so many things at the same time so it can analyze what seems to be of interest to you.
Every painting or artistic work made on the surface of an object has a message it is communicating. This message is what triggers the mind to take note of information as they come. Studying a painting helps to improve one's memory plus it serves as a method or means of stepping up the zeal to learn about new things which surely ends up in drastic improvement of one's memory. This article has provided two versions of artistic work memory training technique that will help you do well in your memory training. Read on!

First Version: The One Person Technique

This version of artistic work memory training involves only one person, and that person is you! It is very easy to practice; all you need do is to have a timer positioned by your side with a painting, chart or magazine especially one with images on it. When these two are in place, the next thing to do is to study the magazine for some minutes. I strongly recommend a short timing say 5 minutes because it helps to make the brain work more efficiently and analytically. During the study, try looking out for shapes, forms, structures, colours and positions. Once it reaches the time, put away the magazine, painting or book and bring out a plan sheet which you will use to write down at least 10 things you saw on the painting or book. When you're done, compare the things you wrote down with the real painting to ascertain the level of your brain's comprehension. Do this at least three times every day until you develop a photographic memory.

Second Version: The Two Person Technique

This version requires you to work with somebody who is analytically inclined. The person in this case will be the one to time you while you look at a picture or a painting for 5 minutes. Once it is time, ask the person to assess you by asking you oral questions to describe or mention the things you saw on the picture or the painting. When you are done with the answering, collect the picture or the painting back and spot the areas you missed and the areas you captured. Keep this practice lively for at least once or twice a day. Article Source:

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